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3 New iPhone 4 TV Ads Aired by Apple

Looks like Apple wants to make sure everyone knows all about the iPhone 4 even thought the iPhone 5
 is expected to hit in a few months time, and thus Apple has now aired three new iPhone 4 TV commercials.
Apple is using the line “if you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have…” in these three latest video which come our way courtesy of the guys over at Macrumors
 and by way of the Apple YouTube page
All three commercials last the usual 30-odd seconds, the first of which touts the iPhone 4 and the App Store, the second covers the iPhone 4
 and that if you don’t have it you don’t have an iPod in your phone and iTunes, while the third touts that if you don’t have an iPhone you don’t have iBooks.
All three commercials end with the line…”Yep, if you don’t have an iPhone
, well, you don’t have an iPhone,” which to me is kind of obvious but there you go.
Now wouldn’t it have been better with something like…”yep, if you don’t have an iPhone, well, you probably have anAndroid
,” just kidding folks…enjoy the videos.

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