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Philips GoGear Muse 3 Portable Media Player

Philips GoGear Muse 3 Portable Media Player comes with a 3.2-inch LCD display. This portable media player has the Surround for Movie to deliver cinematic movie sounds. Features the FullSound technology and sound isolation earphones that block out background noise to providing clear and detailed music experience. It is really can be your friend while you’re boring with your activities. The SafeSound technology that analyzes your listening and informs you when volume levels and exposure may impact on your long-term hearing to avoid damage to your ears. Press the ‘Safe level’ button and the volume is automatically adjusted to the safe sound level so you can enjoy your music at a safe volume. Unfortunately we’re unable to findout about the pricing yet. Stay tune for the update.
Philips GoGear Muse 3 Portable Media Player

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